Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Just a quickie

I'm recovering from a tubal ligation surgery and in my downtime really, really wanted to play with makeup, but my right eye has been running nonstop for a week now and I've about had it. No redness, no visible irritation, just... watering. Constantly. So annoying. I have a scar on that eyelid that, as a kid I had issues with when eyelashes would grow in there, but it's been decades since that's happened, so I don't know what the fuck is going on. I have a physical scheduled for tomorrow so I'll have the doctor check it out.

So, things I have been up to:

1. Birchbox, Ipsy, and Boxycharm have all emailed so those things will be arriving shortly.(All of those links except Boxycharm are referrals, so if you're interested, clicky my links so I can get some points, thanks!)

2. On Memorial Day I got stiletto nails, finally:

3. In early-ish May John and I went to Portland and I got no good picture of my makeup because life hates me. It was pinuppy without a red lip because MAN, I had A LOT of beer the night before and was super dehydrated and my lips were DRY

Okay, so Instagram won't for some reason embed. Grr.... Find me there @lissma13

In less than a month I'll be in a wedding, so this eye thing really needs to clear up.

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